Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Cross-Country Chronicles

Next Wednesday, Dave and leave on our long-anticipated road trip for San Diego!  As many of you may know already, Dave will be starting his post-doc at Scripps in San Diego in April, so naturally I decided it would be an awesome idea to come along.  I mean, who wouldn't want to move to a sunny vacation destination in their mid-20s??

If you raised your hand, I'm not sure we can be friends. 

...okay I guess we can still be friends, but you have to promise to come visit at least!

Motivated by a desire to share our travels with friends and family, we decided to make this blog.  I actually never thought that I would make a blog... I don't usually think that my life is worth displaying for all to see, or significantly interesting to be the subject of blog-like discussions.  However, a blog seemed like the best medium to share the story of our travels across the USA and an especially good way to share pictures of our trip.

We may also be Narcissists.  ... or just Millennials. ;) 

Right now, we're in the process of boxing and sorting everything that we have separately and mutually accumulated in the past 6 years.  I am winning, hands down.  My pile of things is at least 3x the size of Dave's.  If they find this blog, I may be solicited for next episode of Hoarders. 

More to follow soon. Xoxo,
