Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 11: Tuscon, AZ

Current location: Tuscon, AZ
Current mileage total: 2530

Today we drove from El Paso, TX to Tuscon, AZ.  I apologize for the large quantity of highway pictures, but I can assure you, this is significantly pared down from the hundreds (thousands?) of highway photos that were taken today.

What?? The mountains were just so pretty!  And they looked so different every mile closer you got!  (I just really couldn't help myself...)

But really, we spent all day in the car stopping only for food, gas, and the occasional border patrol checkpoint making this collection of photos is an accurate depiction of our day.  Also, in case you were wondering, we were not found to be harboring illegal immigrants and we also managed to avoid a scuffle between kitties and drug dogs.  All in all, I chalk that up to a win.  

 Leaving El Paso

 Border Patrol!

 The kids were "sledding" on the white sands

 Double selfy!

 Mountains outside Las Cruces

 Mount Lemmon drive near Tuscon- the base of the mountain was covered in Cacti

 The cacti were replaced by pine trees near the top


Tuscon, AZ

Early morning tomorrow.  Night! xoxo,


Friday, March 15, 2013

Days 8-10: Austin, San Antonio, and El Paso

Current location: El Paso, TX.
Current mileage total: 2100

First of all, my sincerest apologies to those that may have thought my two-day blog hiatus was somehow related to my being eaten by cats.

This did not happen.

To my knowledge the only foods our cats have been eating are kibbles, although I cannot vouch for Erwin as he seems to eat anything and everything except for (I hope) human flesh.

My lack of blogging was actually to due to the fact that our last hotel had abysmal internet service and therefore could not be trusted for the important task of uploading DSLR photos.  Given this dire circumstance, all I can say is Thank GOD for 3G!  No facebook posts were missed, no pinteresting had to be delayed; we were fully connected at all times.  (But, can I just briefly comment on how I had 3G while driving through the desert today when Dave only had Edge?  I felt so superior lording my Verizon plan over his AT&T plan. Ha!!).

In spite of this most serious of first world problems, we somehow found it in ourselves to carry on with vacationing.  We had particularly good times going to the missions around San Antonio (including the Alamo) as well as wine tasting in Hill Country.

Incidentally, did anyone know Texas could produce good wine??  They can, and do.  Highly recommended!  Alas, I cannot provide you all with samplings of some excellent Cabernets, but I can provide you with photos.  Enjoy!

Day 8: Austin/San Antonio

Our last coffee stop in Austin... :(

One last stop for a food cart breakfast.

We stopped by the "Cathedral of Junk"

It was a sculpture/structure in this random guy's backyard.

Makes my hoarding problem seem minimal...

Downtown San Antonio 

The riverwalk before dinner

The riverwalk after dinner

Day 9: San Antonio

The Cathedral downtown

Mission San Concepcion

Mission San Jose

Mission San Juan

Driving to wine country!

Day 10: El Paso

She was an unhappy camper all day.

Wind farming

We drove along this train for a while.

Getting into El Paso

Driving to Tuscon tomorrow... xoxo,
