Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 6: Austin Day 1

Today we spotted celebs, ate at food trailers, and saw some great bands play in a local bar.  (Can you tell we're visiting Austin, Texas?)  Also, South by Southwest is currently happening so Austin is even more full of hipsters than is typical, or so we hear.

Please enjoy the following photos, which by no means do Austin's quirky charm justice. :)

This is where we saw Paul Walker.  Incidentally, they have amazing gingerbread pancakes.

This natural spring is supposed to be pretty cool, but is currently under construction?

 So we went for a walk around the "lake" instead.  Seems more like a river to me...

 Another hipster coffee joint.

 Where we ate dinner!

 The Frontier Bar, where we saw many live bands for free.  Thanks SXSW!

Until tomorrow. Xoxo,



  1. Are you sure it was Paul Walker and not Walker Texas Ranger aka the magnanimous Chuck Norris...
