Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 11: Tuscon, AZ

Current location: Tuscon, AZ
Current mileage total: 2530

Today we drove from El Paso, TX to Tuscon, AZ.  I apologize for the large quantity of highway pictures, but I can assure you, this is significantly pared down from the hundreds (thousands?) of highway photos that were taken today.

What?? The mountains were just so pretty!  And they looked so different every mile closer you got!  (I just really couldn't help myself...)

But really, we spent all day in the car stopping only for food, gas, and the occasional border patrol checkpoint making this collection of photos is an accurate depiction of our day.  Also, in case you were wondering, we were not found to be harboring illegal immigrants and we also managed to avoid a scuffle between kitties and drug dogs.  All in all, I chalk that up to a win.  

 Leaving El Paso

 Border Patrol!

 The kids were "sledding" on the white sands

 Double selfy!

 Mountains outside Las Cruces

 Mount Lemmon drive near Tuscon- the base of the mountain was covered in Cacti

 The cacti were replaced by pine trees near the top


Tuscon, AZ

Early morning tomorrow.  Night! xoxo,



  1. It's been fun seeing your trip progress with photos! Do we get pics of your new life in San Diego now? ;) Miss you!
