Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 5: Epic Drive

Current location: Austin, TX
Current mileage total: 1580

We traveled for approximately 12 hours today.  We started the day eating beignets in New Orleans (my new favorite food group) and then drove to Avery Island to see a Buddha statue on the grounds of the Tabasco Factory.  Then we hopped on I-10 and drove a crazy long distance to Austin, Texas, only stopping for Po-Boys and our second dose of Whataburger.   Today I think I doubled my weight in the form of deep fried goodness.  Dave probably lost weight.  (Grr skinny people...)

If this already seems insane, bear in mind that we did this all with three uncaged anxious felines in our backseat.

So far we've been boasting about how we have the best cats in the world when it comes to road-tripping.  Typically our cats are at odds when at home; specifically Dave's cats hate my beastly animal that more resembles a mountain lion than a house cat.  While on the road, however, they seem to have come to terms with their fate and have more or less settled into their rolling prison of a Honda Civic.  They appear to derive comfort in the familiarity that comes from sharing a terrible experience, like siblings during a messy divorce.

However, today this was not so.

Ann Perkins immediately hid under the driver's side chair, only emerging to growl aggressively at Erwin and to smack at him with her paws.  Erwin and Leslie began yowling repeatedly, initially trying to climb on our heads and then attempting to hide in the most cave-like place in the car: the floor of the driver's side seat.  Heroically, I was able to ward the cats away from Dave and we were able to road-trip in safety.

(I guess this is why other people cage their animals.)

Here are some photos from our adventures today.  Many include cats. Hope you enjoy!

 Never before seen: Erwin and Ann are touching.

Getting kicked out of their "cave."

 Erwin and Ann were really interested in the scenery of Avery Island.

 We stopped for Po-Boys.

 Houston skyline at sunset.

Goodnight all! xoxo,


  1. Oh my gosh...I am glad you have photographic evidence of Erwin and Ann getting along...otherwise I wouldn't have believed you =P

  2. Omg Dave's haircut! Wah so short! Also, I appreciate the heroic effort to avoid cats near the gas pedals, A+ for safety! Glad that they have been doing well for the most part :)

  3. Holy hells bells! Dave cut his hair. I hope he doesn't loose his super powers like Sampson from the bible. Cant wait to see your lovely face again!
